Numerical Convex Optimization

4 minute read


This Blog Post is my submission for QMSS 5021’s writing exercise homework.

Getting inside the black box of vanilla convex optimization

For many applied data scientists, optimization is still a black box that is the magic used when calling some fitting routine

model = Model()'gradient_descent')

I will explain two very common descent methods for unconstrained optimization and implement them in python from scratch (the only libraries you need are numpy and matplotlib.pyplot)

Descent methods, the general principle

Descent methods consist of looking for

\[x^* = argmin f(x)\]

This is done by specifying a strating value, and descending in a certain direction ($\Delta$) at a certain rate ($t$)

\[x^{k+1} = x^{k}-t\Delta_k\]

the first ingredient we need is need is step size $t$. We will use the backtracking line search algorithm for that.

def backtracking_line_search(fun, x, grad, delta_x, alpha, beta):
    t = 1
    prod = grad(x).T @ delta_x
    while fun((x + (t * delta_x))) > fun(x) + (alpha * t * prod): #stopping criterion from slides
        t *= beta

    return t

Gradient Descent

With gradient descent the direction is given by the gradient of the objective function, so the update at each step becomes: \(x^{k+1}= x^{k}-t\nabla f(x^{k})\)

Tha criterion to stop is reached when \(||\nabla f(x)|| < \epsilon\) with \(\epsilon\) > 0 specified by the user

Here is the code, it returns all the values of the sequence $x^{k}$:

def gd(fun, x0, grad, alpha=0.1, beta=0.7, epsilon=1e-3):
    x_new = x0
    x_ = [x0]
    while np.linalg.norm(grad(x_new)) > epsilon:  #stopping criterion

        delta_x = -grad(x_new)
        t = backtracking_line_search(fun, x_new, grad, delta_x, alpha, beta) 
        x_new = x_new + (t * delta_x)
        return np.array(x_)

Newton’s method

Newton’s method is a second-order method, meaning it uses more information than gradient descent which uses only the gradient, so first-order information.

Here we update the diretion using the gradient and the Hessian matrix of f. This means the algorithm converges faster (for quadratic functions, in 1 step), because it has more information when descending, but it has to invert the Hessian matrix, which is computationally intensive - $ O(n^3)$.

To alleviate that, one could also decide ot update the descent every $r$ steps (done by adding a simple modular conditional statement in the code).

The descent is given by:

\[x^{k+1} = x^{k}-t\nabla^2 f(x^{k})^{-1} \nabla f(x^{k})\]

The stopping criterion is reached when \(\lambda^2/2 < \epsilon\)

$\lambda^2$ here is the Newton decrement. The formula for it is as follows:

\[\lambda^2 = \nabla f(x^{k})^T\nabla^2 f(x^{k})^{-1}\nabla f(x^{k})\]
def newton(fun, x0, grad, hess, alpha=0.1, beta=0.7, epsilon=1e-10, r=3):
    i = 0
    D = np.linalg.inv(hess(x_new)) # starting value for Dk

    while,D)),grad(x_new))/2 > epsilon:  #stopping criterion
        if i % r == 0:                      # only update D modulo r
            D = np.linalg.inv(hess(x_new))
        delta_x = -D @ grad(x_new)
        t = backtracking_line_search(fun, x_new, grad, delta_x, alpha, beta) 
        x_new = x_new + (t * delta_x)
        return np.array(x_)


We will optimize the following non-quadratic function

\[f(x_1,x_2) = e^{x_1+3x_2-0.1} + e^{x_1-3x_2-0.1} + e^{-x_1-0.1}\]

Let’s code the function and its first and second-order derivatives

f = lambda x: (np.exp(x[0]+3*x[1]-0.1) + np.exp(x[0]-3*x[1]-0.1) + np.exp(-x[0]-0.1))

#manually derived gradient 

def grad(x):
    dfdx1 = np.exp(x[0]+3*x[1]-0.1) + np.exp(x[0]-3*x[1]-0.1) - np.exp(-x[0]-0.1)
    dfdx2 = 3*np.exp(x[0]+3*x[1]-0.1) - 3*np.exp(x[0]-3*x[1]-0.1)
    return np.array([dfdx1,dfdx2])


def hess(x):
    dfdx1x1 = np.exp(x[0]+3*x[1]-0.1) + np.exp(x[0]-3*x[1]-0.1) + np.exp(-x[0]-0.1)
    dfdx1x2 = 3*np.exp(x[0]+3*x[1]-0.1) -3*np.exp(x[0]-3*x[1]-0.1)
    dfdx2x2 = 9*np.exp(x[0]+3*x[1]-0.1) + 9*np.exp(x[0]-3*x[1]-0.1)
    dfdx2x1 = 3*np.exp(x[0]+3*x[1]-0.1) - 3*np.exp(x[0]-3*x[1]-0.1)
    return np.array([[dfdx1x1,dfdx1x2],[dfdx2x1,dfdx2x2]])

Gradient Descent plot


Newton plots

Here I plot the two ways of implementing Newton’s method.


As we can see, Newton’s method converges faster than gradient descent

Here is the full code used to generate the plots

def compare_newtons(x0,alpha, beta, f=f,grad=grad, hess=hess):

    xs_newton = newton(f, x0, grad, hess, alpha, beta)
    xs_newton2 = newton2(f, x0, grad, hess, alpha, beta)
    x_star = np.round(xs_newton[-1],2)
    x1 = np.linspace(-5, 5, 100)
    x2 = np.linspace(-2, 2, 100)
    X1, X2 = np.meshgrid(x1, x2)
    Z = f([X1, X2])
    fig = plt.figure(figsize = (6,4))
    levels = [0.1,1,2,4,9, 16, 25, 36]
    contours = plt.contour(X1, X2, Z, levels)
    ax = plt.clabel(contours, inline = True, fontsize = 10)
    ax = plt.title(f"Comparing 2 Newton methods, alpha={alpha}, beta={beta}, x*={x_star}, nsteps (vanilla vs new) = {len(xs_newton)-1} vs {len(xs_newton2)-1} ", fontsize=12)
    ax = plt.plot(xs_newton[:, 0], xs_newton[:, 1], 'o-', c='red', label='vanilla')
    ax = plt.plot(xs_newton2[:, 0], xs_newton2[:, 1], 'o-', c='blue', label='new')
    return ax

def plot_GD(x0,alpha, beta, f=f,grad=grad):

    xs = gd(f, x0, grad, alpha, beta)
    x_star = np.round(xs[-1],2)
    x1 = np.linspace(-5, 5, 100)
    x2 = np.linspace(-2, 2, 100)
    X1, X2 = np.meshgrid(x1, x2)
    Z = f([X1, X2])
    fig = plt.figure(figsize = (6,4))
    levels = [0.1,1,2,4,9, 16, 25, 36]
    contours = plt.contour(X1, X2, Z, levels)
    ax = plt.clabel(contours, inline = True, fontsize = 10)
    ax = plt.title(f"Backtracking line search GD, alpha={alpha}, beta={beta}, x*={x_star}, nsteps = {len(xs)-1}", fontsize=12)
    ax = plt.plot(xs[:, 0], xs[:, 1], 'o-', c='red')
    return ax